Look Mum No Computer
“The distortion is crunchy! It doesn’t make it louder or quieter, just saturates it, so when you push the distortion button it does what you intend it to do. Pretty snazzy if you ask me. The sound is awesome, that open decay on the kick sounds huge and the FM drum is a very clever addition.”

Review from Audiofanzine
“With its very competitive price, DrumBrute Impact is positioned as a very affordable composition and performance tool to start or complement ones analog stage or studio setup. We award him a 2018 'Value for Money' Award”
Create Digital Music
“The result: this thing hits really hard. That matters. We’re humans. We like things that go thud. We can feel it. This isn’t theory; it’s visceral."
AskAudio Magazine
“Very, very good Drum Machine.”
“What you have here is a really really nice sequencer with a really nice pallette of analogue sounds.”
Alex Boulos
“It's the perfect live performance companion!”

“Don't let its size fool you, this is an analog synth that packs quiet a punch!”

“I love the distortion ! ”
“This new Drumbrute expands the existing range in a way I never could imagine. The result it's awesome and the options to sculpt my own sound are amazing.”
Rate By Future Music ES
Future Music ES
“ What matters here is the sound, and we found that everything that comes out of DrumBrute Impact is filled it with freshness and innovation. An excellent analog drum machine.”
Andrew Huang
“When you look at the price range, it’s hard to think of something that is as fully featured as this drum machine”

Bo Beats
“What you have here is a really really nice sequencer with a really nice sound palette of analog sounds”

Accurate Beats
“What's not to just totally love about that thing? It's a smart design choice and it's really fun and simple.”

“This new analog drum machine kicks ass!”

Rick Feds
“This is the best analog drum machine in the market today. I'm gonna take this everywhere I go.”